True Divine Abundance Sessions

True Divine Abundance Session

This session is for people who feel blocks to money and abundance in general in their lives.

There can be many reasons why we lack abundance in this lifetime including lack of self worth, especially through disharmony in your relationship with your father in the form of neglect, lack of provision or /and harsh treatment.

We can also inherit ancestral curses, ancestral karmic debt, and negative belief systems through our DNA and family line. Past life martyr templates and contracts we are energetically bound to are another cause.

The current world financial system is an inverted Lucifarian system that we are born into not knowing the truth about the divine and true divine provision.

This Lucifarian system can be hard to make money in, unless in an inverted way. God still provides but when we know the truth of how all the systems work we can connect and align to the divine and our true abundance can really start to flow in.

We still have to live in this Lucifarian system but there is a way to be abundant in this system in an incredibly aligned way.

Using my Clairvoyance we can read your lightbody and identify and clear any blocks, implants, curses and lack of awareness that has caused lack in your life. Then we connect back with the Holy father and Holy mother and Christ Sophia. As we do this we can re connect back to where all true provision comes from: God, source, divine creator which wants you to have everything you need in life.

This session is a game changer if your have been struggling financially.

Cost of Sessions:

1 hour sessions cost £90.