True Divine Abundance Codes Course

True Divine Abundance Codes Course

The True Divine Abundance Codes as taught to me by Emily Joy Harris and Aeleo Malakai Azure.

“I don’t understand. I’ve read the Law of attraction and all the self-help books; I work hard and keep saying my affirmations and yet I’m still broke and stuck”

Any of this sound familiar? This was my experience, and millions like me.

You will learn how co creating with God/source/divine is the true abundance code.

Course details

The True Divine Abundance Codes training is a live 3hr webinar on Facebook. 

Contains a live activation. This webinar is recorded and can be watched by you after at any time.

Sunday 28th May 3pm- 6pm GMT

Course Cost

Course cost: £144

Cost for retakes of this course if you have attended before £44

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Course content

Course content includes:

    • The current financial / economic state. Huge gains, huge losses, and the impossible chessboard.

    • What is co- creation with God/source/divine?

    • A world of amnesia: false religious programming, false new age paradigms and lack.

    • The biggest component that gives abundance that can never be taken from us.

    • Challenges, Initiations and their purpose.

    • The truest and best form of marketing.

    • Pedestals and why they mean we never reach what we want.

    • Why the usual ‘manifestation’ books are flawed and contain only a fraction of the truth about true abundance and manifesting.

    • Money, the false light matrix and the Luciferian agenda.

    • Low self-esteem and money blocks.

    • Starseeds, angelics, dark attack and money.

    • Core missions – the cornerstone of abundance.

    • The balance of divine feminine and divine masculine and its effect on abundance.

    • Commitment, the father principle and how it affects your ability to have what you need.

    • Inverted masculine and how it blocks your ability to receive.

    • Ancestral energy and its effect on abundance

And so much more!


Step by step plan to guide you through how to create.

And 1 x live activation: Clearing your light body field of any implants and blockages around abundance as well as any unprocessed ancestral karma, past life karma, poverty mindset, ancestral war and famine trauma, curse matrixes and media programming that is preventing abundance in your life.

This activation will also help align you to your true missions and soul gifts to activate abundance in your life.

I believe everyone should have access to the divine truths and codes contained in this webinar. They have been life changing for me and I want to share this with you too.

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