Plant Spirit Medicine

Plant spirit medicine treatment

Plant Spirit Medicine is an ancient and deep medicine which connects us back to the organic flow and grace of our lives and the natural world.

The power of healing available for humans from the natural world goes back millennia. 

No matter where we are from, we all have had a deep and long relationship with plants, trees, rocks and the elements going back through all our ancestral lineages.  The healing, wisdom and help available to us from this place of nature is vast and full of love.

As countless indigenous groups can attest to, spirit is the strongest, deepest medicine and so PSM is a healing system that touches and transforms the absolute core of who we are.

Have you ever felt the reverence inside a forest under the waiting canopy of trees? The majesty of a mountain, the sheer delight of the sound of a river or the breath- taking beauty of a flower? Imagine the spirit of those aspects touching your spirit directly, transforming and refreshing it and bringing you back to who you really are. 

When I first began my training in Plant Spirit Medicine (PSM) I had no idea I was embarking on a life changing experience. The PSM I learned with Eliot Cowan uses the 5 element Chinese medical model as part of its protocols. This model is perfect as a way to measure and gauge the how treatments are progressing and next steps to take. 

As well as learning in-depth the Chinese medicine 5 element model, I was required to work with and “journey” with many plants and trees in order to make relationship with them and to know what their medicine was.  This practice of journeying is a way of receiving the medicine in itself as well as providing me with a tool kit of many plants for the clients I work with.  ( I am currently teaching an introduction to PSM where I teach you via zoom how to journey with plants and trees, please see my page on Teaching for more info).

Plants and trees have a way of getting our attention so that we are drawn to work with them.  It is not unusual for me to ‘night dream’ a plant for it to get my attention to journey with it.  It has then happened that a client comes to me who needs just the medicine of that plant which I dreamed of….such is the beauty and the synchronicity of the flow of the divine that works through us and this medicine.

I trained for 2 years with renowned teacher and Shaman, Eliot Cowan and have been practicing Plant Spirit Medicine since 2008.

Plant Spirit Medicine Sessions include:

  • Full consultation
  • Pulse taking and assessment
  • Japanese Akabani treatment to balance the entire meridian system
  • Plant spirit medicine treatments with the plant spirit exactly suited to your needs to balance and harmonise meridian systems, clear negative entity energy and clear any negative stuck energy.

PSM Prices

Initial Consultation & Treatment (90 minutes) £90

Further Treatments (60 minutes) £50