High Angelic Galactic Reiki Course

High Galactic Angelic Reiki Course

Book on my High Angelic Galactic Reiki and Medical Intuitive as taught to me by Emily Joy Harris and Aeleo Malakai Azure.

From 2000 to 2005 I trained in Reiki 3 times up to Master level yet couldn’t bring myself to ever teach it. I found myself wanting to use it as a healing modality less and less but didn’t know why. I’m glad I waited to learn the true original Christed Reiki from Lyra. This course is for you if you always wanted to learn Reiki, or if you have previously trained in Reiki and fell out of love with it. This is not your usual Reiki course as you will see.

Course Format:

4 x live webinars on Facebook. Contains 3 x activations. All live training sessions are recorded and are available to you to watch at any time. You do not have to watch the webinars and activations live in order to attend this course.


    • Sunday 6th August 3pm to 6pm (teachings and activation)

    • Sunday 13th August 3pm to 6pm (teaching and activation)

    • Sunday 20th August 3pm to 6pm (teaching and activation)

    • Sunday 3rd September 3pm to 5pm (teachings, case studies review and Q&A)

Course Cost:

Cost of course: £444.

(f you have already completed my previous High Angelic Galactic Reiki course and wish to retake this course the cost is only £88. People retaking the course will benefit from the new information and updates which have been received.)

Cost for retakes: £88

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Course content:

High Angelic Galactic Reiki

Christ Sophia and the original human angelic blueprint. The Lyran’s and where true reiki comes from; The galactic fire star template and its double function; The holy spirit and Galactic reiki; The amorea flame; The 12 chakra system; Working with God and true confidence as a healer; Keeping safe; Knowing when to work with someone and when not to; How to run Galactic reiki into yourself, your clients and any situation; Alignment and integrity – the cornerstones of all healing work; Your team – guides, helpers and the angelic and grail lineages; The journey to health- timing and alignment; Illness and unprocessed emotions; Louise Hay and the body as a metaphor; The connection between life experiences, illness, the nervous system and the physical body; Medical intuitive and The Navaho male grail king; The Arcturian’s and psychic vision; Christ Sophia first, then the guardians; Responsibility and Gods plan for healing; the four main wounds that cause Illness.

Understanding the false light matrix

Why reiki was hijacked; inverted symbols; 4th and 5th dimension reversal; False awakening and false ascension; False religious programming and false light new age teachings; Connection between fallen financial system and false light matrix; metatron and the siphoning of source light; What false light is and how it feels; False light reiki – a band aid on a bullet hole; Getting people out of the false light matrix; The astral plane and deception.

Galactic History

The Sumerian tablets; Anu, Enky and Enlil; The return of the 144000; Starseeds and Angelics; Patriarchy, slavery, and technology; The Hopi prophesy; The God wound; The root of ALL illness.

Dark attack

Wounding and illness in this life, wounding in the ancestral line and illness; The protection and truth of Christ; Entities and dark beings who they are; Lillith and Azazeal, The Moon Saturn matrix, Auto immune disorders and dark attack; Dark attack on the human angelics; Two voices- God and the accuser; Uplevelling- the good that can come out of dark attack; Recognising dark attack and how to deal with it.


DNA and Illness; Christ Sophia and the human angelic blueprint; Ancestral DNA; The connection between DNA and the grids on earth; DNA dormancy and activation; DNA and God and true healing; 12 the divine number and DNA.

Practical High Angelic Galactic Reiki

Growing your business, money and exchange, how to get started; Psychic vision – clairvoyance, clairaudient, clairsentient, finding our which one(s)you are; Seeing into a person’s energetic field; How to run Galactic reiki into a person’s energetic field; What are implants, locating implants and how to remove them, different types of; Case studies and clinical practice – first contact, listening and taking in information, writing up notes; Practical step by step list of how to conduct a Galactic reiki healing session.

And so much more!


The course contains 3 activations with the help of the Christed guardians: Lyrans, Arcturians and Navaho Male Grail king.

1st activation – Clearing.

Clearing of all false light energies in your light body (we’ve all got some lol!), clearing of Entitles, curse matrixes, false reiki symbols, false reiki teachings, clearing metatron; clear 10th chakra and so much more.

2nd activation – Downloading the high angelic Galactic Reiki fire star template into your field.

Activation of crown chakra; Activation of your heart chakra, hands and eyes; connection with the mother arc portal; Anchoring organic Christ technology; connection and with protection of the Lyran grid ; Download of your own personal high angelic reiki template and activation throughout your light body; healing and activation of tree of life; sealing through the crown and root; and so much more.

3rd activation – 3rd eye activation for psychic vision

Activation of the pineal gland 3rd eye portal; Activation of the throat portal, ears and eyes for clairvoyance and clairaudience ; activation of ability to scan the light body and sense implants, blocks, dark energies and so much more. Activation of clairsentience through the nervous system and chakra system. clearing of fear and blockages to psychic vision connected to past life and ancestral lineages.

Case studies and practice

You will be required to do 2 case studies to complete the course and obtain the Galactic High Angelic Reiki certificate. You will have 2 weeks after part 3 of the course to complete the case studies.

They can be on yourself, or another person or a pet. The best way to really learn this work is to do it. Once you have some practice you will find the questions just naturally come. Everyone will be required to send me one case study which will be read out and shared with the group in part 4 of the course. You will find this part essential in giving you the confidence to go ahead with your new reiki skills! It’s amazing how much we can learn from case studies and how actually doing the work brings up so many new questions and advances learning 10 fold.

There will be a certificate awarded and emailed to you on completion.

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