Activate Your Gifts Session

Activate Your Gifts

Who are you? What are your gifts? What are your missions here on earth?

We are born with 9 main gifts which are given by God in order for us to live our highest good here on earth. They are connected to our work, abundance, divine union, true joy and so much more.

We all have connections to 4 lineages: Starseed, Angelic, Divine masculine Grail King, and Divine feminine Grail Queen. From these lineages, we can see templates which contain all of our gifts. This is a one-off session where I read your lightbody templates to reveal all your lineages and specific gifts for this lifetime.

Once they are located we then clear any blockages that may be present which are preventing you from bringing your gifts online. Then we activate and initiate you into your gifts so you are able to hold them and work with them fully.

Cost of Session:

2-hour sessions cost £180.